Ream National Park – Day 50

With the help of the staff at Don Bosco, we were set up for a guided trek and boat tour in Ream National Park. A tuk-tuk driver took us first thing in the morning to a beach side restaurant where we ate breakfast and waited for a van to pick us up.   

When the van picked us up, it was already full of people who we were joining for the tour. We crammed in the van…something we sorta have gotten used to having to do in Asia….and headed on our way to the National Park. 

Once we got to the river, we boarded a boat and cruised down the river to where the hike started. The hike was not easy, do able but there was a decent incline and it was hot. We hiked to a lookout point, got some cool pictures, and then hiked back down to where the boat was docked. We took the boat to a hut on the river and had lunch. 

After lunch, we continued our cruise along the river, saw some monkeys, climbed a treehouse, climbed some trees, and headed back to our hotel where we picked up our bags and got on a sleeper bus headed for Phnom Penh. 


4 thoughts on “Ream National Park – Day 50

  1. Oh My! So glad you monkeys were in good condition before you began this adventure. Oh to be young! Italy will be challenging enough for me. 😅 BTW it seems as though you all sit on the ground/ floors a lot! Haha! Great pics.


  2. Your pictures continue to amaze me and the blog keeps me on your journey! So much to see and do and it looks like everything is going along smoothly!!
    Great to see you on FaceTime and even better saying Hi so continue to be safe:)
    Mrs. W


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